Frequently asked Questions


Frequently asked questions regarding our website.

In order to quickly provide you with the answers you need, we have gathered solutions to our most common inquiries in this knowledge base article. It will be updated regularly to reflect the most relevant information.

Our technical services currently cover Los Angeles.But web design and hosting services are provided in all states without the need for expert presence

A contract is required to provide better services. A contract is concluded between the provider and the client to prevent any problems

The repayment terms are such that you can get your money back before 1 month.If you send a refund request after one month, it will not be possible.The cost of designing the site can be fully reimbursed before one month.The domain fee is non-refundable.The cost of face-to-face services requires an expert for refund, and after the expert’s review, you will be notified of the refundable fee and then it will be done.

Online payments require authentication. Your authentication will be removed from the company’s server after verification and will not be provided to any organ or organization.

With the outbreak of covid disease, unfortunately we are not able to meet you dear ones. It is possible to make an appointment online or at your workplace.

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